
Chapter History

The Links, Incorporated, Danville (VA) Chapter was chartered on November 15, 1953.

The Charter officers for the Danville (VA) Chapter were: 

President – Willette Merritt

Vice President –  Blondola Cowan

Corresponding Secretary – Bernice Williams

Secretary – Hortense Martin

Treasurer – Mauretta Byrd, Treasurer

The Charter members were:  Virgia Hobson, Catherine Luck, Gladiola Harris, Elaine Thompson, Ida Mackeye Williams, and Ruth Williams. The Chapter was chartered at the home of Willette Merritt by the National Vice President, Bernice Martin and the National Corresponding Secretary, Norvelette Downing. 

The Danville Chapter continuously responds to the needs and aspirations of the African-American community.  Since the beginning of our organization in 1953, we have sponsored an annual luncheon as a fundraiser. It was in 1976,  that the Chapter developed a partnership with the area director of the United College Fund Committee.  This collaboration with the UNCF Drive proved to be beneficial for both the Links and the UNCF.  Through the years, support for this benefit luncheon has increased tremendously because of collaborative effort. Thousands of dollars have been donated to The College Fund by churches, organizations and individuals from surrounding areas. The Danville area has proven to be a leader in the state as a supporter of the UNCF.

The proceeds from the luncheon are also used to support our scholarship fund, the local chaper of the NAACP, the Voters’ League, the Danville Life Saving Crew, the YWCA, and programs that promote education, health and wellness, and global awareness.